WTT: Mono (landofvgguk)

hi sweetie! how are you? I hope you like your cover! 
(edit: I did my best to make the cover as dark as possible, I really hope you like it now :( )

xoxo, mochiggkie


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    6 comentários:

    1. this is very nice baby but I can't use it because I want something darker and I chose a dark theme :(

      1. oh dear :( I will modify and try to make it darker and edit the post

      2. As before, my state is very beautiful, but I think that I cannot express myself very well in form. My request was something dark and simpler. I wanted it to be a bit like a movie poster. so I'm going to fill out a new form and be more specific in stating my wishes, but THIS IS SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL, I Swear I LOVE it just doesn't fit the context of my fiction. so I won't be able to use this cover. I think we should point that out. Thank you baby

      3. I'm sad, of course, but I understand it well and I'm glad to know that you were sincere but please, please specify better the conditions of the cover right? Thanks :')

      4. Please don't be upset because I'm the only cause of the problem. The work you do is really good. I will provide more details when I fill out the next form. You are really talented, I want to say it again and again. The rules say we have to say if we're not going to use the book cover, so I wanted to say I wouldn't. Thank you very much again. Have a nice day♡♡♡

    2. As before, my state is very beautiful, but I think that I cannot express myself very well in form. My request was something dark and simpler. I wanted it to be a bit like a movie poster. so I'm going to fill out a new form and be more specific in stating my wishes, but THIS IS SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL, I Swear I LOVE it just doesn't fit the context of my fiction. so I won't be able to use this cover. I think we should point that out. Thank you baby

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